The National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, UNAN-León, is celebrating its two centuries of history

The National Autonomous University of Nicaragua (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua, UNAN-León), is celebrating its two centuries of history.

Founded by Spanish in 1812, it is the oldest University in Nicaragua, and with it, it starts the higher education, playing a major role in the socio-cultural affairs of the country.

In the words of the Rector, D. Roger Guardián Vigil:

“We advocate for strengthening the leadership of the University and forming social capital and active agent of the human development, that through teaching, researching and outreaching, seek answers to the problems more felt by the society and the country.”

University For All works with the Autonomous University of León, under an agreement by which it helps young people without economic resources to ensure their access to University.

From University For All we want to convey to the UNAN-León and the persons composing it, students, teachers… our sincere congratulations for striving every day to achieve social changes through education and training of young people in the country.


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Author: Enrique Ortega Truque

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