
Within the organization chart of U4all we find the following Departments and Teams with their corresponding people in charge:




Projects and Cooperation

Coordinator: Tatjana Jeuken

This team establishes contact with Nicaragua and Honduras, and in the future with more countries. They are responsible for making the necessary documents for the projects, they execute the proceedings with other NGOs and maintain contact with the scholars. Each project is regulated by this Department, which eventually evaluate each of them after their completion. In addition, they make researchs to find information to adjust the projects to the situation of each country so they can extend our help to other borders.


Human Resources

Coordinator: José-Manuel Gago

HR is a team of enthusiastic people dedicated to improving U4all process internally and externally. We believe that people are the foundation of success of each process or project we are doing. So they do everything possible to make of U4all an excellent organization for volunteers, members, partners, other organizations, and ultimately, all who work with us and have faith in the importance of our project. Areas of activities: Volunteering, Training, Development, Strategic Management, Administration.



Coordinator: Jean-Dominique Pilloy

Their mission is to develop strategies and fundraising plans to fund the U4all educational projects, to establish the fundraising strategies and the annual operating plans for fundraising, coordinates the various activities and fundraising projects and cooperates with Financial Area to prepare annual budgets and the Dept. of Marketing and Communication for the preparation of the necessary implements.


Legal Area

Coordinator: Jorge Ramos

The mission of the Legal Area is simple: to provide legal advice to U4all both internally and externally.

Within the internal advice, there are such varied tasks as ensuring compliance with laws and national and international laws to which the members of the association and the association itself, are subject.

Externally, the legal department will be responsible for defending the interests of U4all in the courts.


Financial and Management Area

Coordinator:  Manuel Godoy

The mission of the Financial Area is to ensure financial transparency within U4all.

Its functions are to manage the financial accounts of the NGO, the budget management and maintenance of an accurate relationship with government agencies and other regulatory authorities.




As you can see in the organization chart of U4all , teams are within the Departments. Here are some of them:


International Student Advising and Scholarship Finder

Team leader: Ana Ballesteros

Within the Projects and Cooperation Department, the International Advisory and Student Scholarship Search is responsible for advising students with limited resources in order to provide personalized information about the possibilities for university study, proposing and informing them of all possible alternatives. U4all aims to be the reference in counseling, short-term in Nicaragua, half in Latin America, and long-term worldwide.

Moreover, this department is responsible for creating a simple University scholarship search engine, with full and accurate information. In the short term we will develop this service in Nicaragua and Latin American countries in order to give quality information and gradually extend our coverage worldwide.


Web Development and Technology Team

Team leader: Esteban Tejedor

The functions of this team integrated within the Department of Marketing and Communication, are the development, maintenance and management of the corporate website and implementing Search Engine Optimization (SEO), all while maintaining a close relationship with the marketing team for the design and enforcement of online campaigns.

It also includes the development and maintenance of databases (volunteers, scholarships, etc..) As well as any other task related to the different information technologies.


Communication Team

Team leader: Almudena Serpis

Within the Department of Marketing and Communication, the basic functions of the Communication Team are: the editing of all content de U4all, issuing press releases, creating news for posting on the website, updating of such news, interviews for further publication, style manual update and implementation of supporting documentation.

Besides, the Communication Team also serves to make the contents of U4all fit our fresh and motivating style, and make them be as clear as possible in order to reach all the aimed targets and populations.