Become a partner

Partner Application Form

#Complete the form below to help financially with our projects. The money comes almost full to students from countries with which we work as we have almost no operating costs as you can see in our financial reports monitored by the management department.

Also, just for the fact of membership, if you want you can exercise your right to speak and vote at the meetings of U4all.

    Personal information


    3€ (Monthly minimum fee for students or unemployed)5€ (Minimum monthly fee for workers)10€20€50€Other amount


    Direct Debit from a bank account

    Please write it in this way: 1234/5678/90/1234567890
    Bank code / Office code / Digit control / Account number

    You can also register as a volunteer here:


    In compliance with the Spanish Organic Law 15/1999, of December 13, Protection of Personal Data and its implementing regulations, the association University For All will incorporate into an automated file whose owner and responsible is University For All, the personal data provided. The processing of such data must be exclusively for the purposes of U4all and may be transferred, exclusively for the purposes of U4all, to third parties involved with U4all with which U4all has reached a partnership agreement.

    In any case U4all will not use personal information for purposes other than those mentioned above.

    The details you provide in this form will be incorporated into an automated file of UNIVERSITY FOR ALL. It will serve to keep you informed of our activities. The treatment of all data will remain confidential.
    Whenever you want, you can access your data, rectify or cancel, by writing us through our contact form: